Our Catholic faith roots run deep in Redlands!
We have inherited wonderful gifts from our parish ancestors. Founders of the former parishes in Redlands planted deep faith roots with a tradition of worship, community building, perseverance, and vision.
They built Sacred Heart Parish and School on Olive Avenue in 1896, after worshiping in a $10 per month storefront for three years. (see photo at right)
As Redlands grew, more of our ancestors built St. Mary’s Parish in 1941. Both faith-filled communities continued to build. Sacred Heart built a larger Church in 1963 (this is today's Olive Ave Sanctuary).
St. Mary’s expanded the church’s seating capacity in 1986 & moved the church buildings several blocks to it's current location at the corner of Columbia St and Western Ave. (see photo below).
Over 100 years, our ancestors added parish halls, offices, parking lots, a field, and other meeting spaces.
These are the buildings in which we currently worship, study, serve, and play.
If these walls could talk... what stories would they share with us?
Jesus taught using parables - stories - to illustrate God's message of love and life. As Catholics, we draw on a rich tradition of over 2,000 years' worth of retelling these parables. Along the way, all of us add our personal stories of faith to those who have come before us... we are One Body in Christ.
Would you like to be part of our Parish's Future?
Visit our Building Page to learn about our vision. Building the Future