Begin meetings with prayer for the poor and for all creatures of the earth, especially those harmed by waste and pollution.
Appoint 2 or 3 members to sign your ministry group up for the Laudato Si’ Action Platform, and use it to create a plan and take action to achieve environmental sustainability.
Print hand-outs on both sides of the page using recycled paper.
Share print outs whenever possible.
Use washable serving ware for refreshments or encourage participants to “bring their own” cups, knives forks and spoons, or mess kits, and take them home to wash them, rather than using throw-away items.
If washable serving ware can’t be used, avoid plastic and Styrofoam products, including plates, cups, knives forks and spoons.
If items must be purchased, can participants select items with minimal packaging, avoiding Styrofoam and single-use packaging wherever possible?
Keep snacks simple to reduce the ecological impact from transportation and trash generation. For example, water, lemonade, and iced tea (fresh or from frozen concentrate) can be served instead of sodas and other drinks in bottles and cans.
Fruit snacks like apples, oranges or bananas need no packaging.
Popcorn can be made easily and cheaply on-site and substituted for snacks that come in packages.
Condiments can be served from containers, rather than in individual packaging.
If snacks are purchased from a commercial establishment, ask to use own containers whenever possible, to reduce boxes, plastic, Styrofoam and other packaging.
Seek other ways meetings can be kept simplified, freed of throw-away items which increase trash and contribute to consumerism.
At the end of the meeting, ask the group to separate recycling and trash into the right containers.
Ask members to ensure lights, air conditioning, and heating are turned off, windows shut, and computers shut down at the end of meetings.
Establish a list of “best practices” which can be shared with other clubs at this parish. Share them with us by e-mailing [email protected]!