We have a problem with pollution in our world! That pollution is harming our brothers and sisters, and all the creatures who inhabit our earth with us. It is also leaving a potentially terrible situation for the people and creatures who will live here in the future.
Our ministry is about taking care of the earth and all that inhabits it, God's Creation.
Caring for Creation shows love and gratitude to our Creator, and love to our neighbor, especially the poor and vulnerable.
Just who is our neighbor? We think our neighbors include all of the earth's inhabitants, human and non-human, now and in the future. Do you agree?
Our work is inspired by the encyclical, Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home. In 2015, Pope Francis issued the encyclical to urgently call for us to Care for Our Common Home, and for each other better. His encyclical calls attention to our increasingly polluted world, and to how our actions harm the environment and our brothers and sisters. He brings together the findings of science and religion as he challenges us to turn away from a throw-away culture, a symptom of selfishness and self-centeredness, and instead, fulfill our Christian vocation as stewards of His gifts. When we do so, we respond to the "cry of the earth" as well as the "cry of the poor". In Laudato Si', Pope Francis reminds us that everything in our world is interconnected, and therefore, all of our actions matter.
How can parishioners get involved? Keep reading to find inspiration and information, along with ways to join in our activities and our ministry group. Don't be shy, we're waiting for you!
Watch this compelling summary about why caring for God's environment is an important focus for our Catholic faith.
Este video explica las razones importantes de fe para cuidar a la creacion. Este video es en ingles pero contiene subitiulos en espanol.
Have you heard of the Laudato Si' Action Platform, and the 7-Year Laudato Si' Journey?
The Vatican is inviting all Catholics and Catholic institutions to embark on the journey this year, toward environmental sustainability in the spirit of Laudato Si'.
What does that mean? The California Catholic Conference describes the action platform in this way, "the platform will comprise three elements: Laudato Si’ Plans to map your journey, practical guidance on ways to take action, and resources to develop trusted communities of practice. Plans help you discern and implement your response to Laudato Si’ through a process-oriented approach that can be adapted to the needs of your institution, community, or family."
LS Action Platform Website:
https://plataformadeaccionlaudatosi.org/ (Espanol) https://laudatosiactionplatform.org/ (English)
Keep watching this webpage for more about the 7-Year Journey, and the Action Platform. Meanwhile, check out some of these resources:
Check out what our Diocese has provided, There are many helpful resources for Laudato Si' at this website: https://www.sbdiocese.org/laudatosi/
Check out what the California Catholic Conference has to offer regarding Laudato Si':
1. Laudato Si (Praise Be) | California Catholic Conference (cacatholic.org)
2. PDF of California Bishops' Pastoral Statement: